Welcome to Northerntel
Small business
Small business customer looking for business services.
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Northerntel for Small Business
If you are an Enterprise customer (over 100 employees) please call
Call us at
1 877 360-2295
(Opens in the default phone client)
Check if FibreOP is available in your community.
FibreOp is available at
We are sorry. FibreOP is not available at
Long distance
Calling cards

Calling card
With a NorthernTel Calling Card, you’ll save on long distance calls while travelling in Canada and abroad because you get the calling card rate included with your NorthernTel long distance plan.$0.00/month
Call1 800 360-8555

Prepaid Calling Card
Ideal when you’re on the go. Keep a Prepaid Calling Card handy to place local calls and long distance calls from any phone.$0.00/month
Available in $5, $10 and $20.
Sold in all convenience stores,
grocery stores and authorized dealers.